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Monday, June 20, 2011

Why She is not Wearing her Wedding Ring?

The wedding RINGLESS Kate 
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attending the charity gala dinner last June 10, 2011 on the 90th birthday of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Except the blue sapphire engagement ring, people noticed she did not wear her wedding ring after the April 29 ceremony, maybe she has some allergies. Image from the Mail Online.

According to tradition, a wedding ring should never be taken off from one's finger, except for allergy reasons or when taking a bath or any other valid circumstances. Old folks often warned of bad omen if the ring, for no apparent reason, will be taken off.

Most often than not, married men and women always wear their wedding rings when going out. But I noticed lately in all her photos that Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge never wore her wedding ring in public outings, she was never photographed having her wedding ring on except the oval-shaped blue sapphire engagement ring. Prince William of course has no wedding ring so it is not surprising that he did not wear one but his wife, who has a royal gold wedding ring slipped on her finger during the wedding ceremony, is amusingly not wearing this ring. Is this a bad omen of disintegration of her marriage?I hope it's not.
The sneezing Duchess
At the balcony of Buckingham Palace with her husband, Prince William, watching the flypast presentation of the RAF during the Trooping the Colours ceremony to celebrate the official birthday of Her Majesty last June 11, saturday (the Queen's actual birthday is April 21). Again she was seen wearing only the engagement ring but no wedding ring on any of her fingers.
The Duchess of Cambridge at the thanksgiving service at St. George's Chapel, Windsor last June12, 2011 for the 90th birthday of William's grandfather, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Again and again she did not wear her wedding ring.

This is not a royal prerogative since most of the members of the royal family who have wedding rings always wear it in public, in fact, Prince Charles and his brother, Prince Edward, wore it all the time on their little fingers below their signet rings. Even the Countess of Wessex (Edward's wife) and William's mother, the late Diana, Princess of Wales, never took off their rings. Diana was even more dedicated because she kept her wedding ring and occasionally wore it even after she separated from the Prince of Wales.
At the Garter Service parade honouring new Knights of the Garter. June 13, 2011

But why the Duchess of Cambridge never wore it after the wedding?Hmmm, maybe she had it resized because during the wedding ceremony last April 29, Prince William struggled to put it on her finger. I am just wondering. :-D

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